Hi Manfred,
        I took a look at these wrapper files in the bindings/objc for Revision 
3441 of the SWORD framework. Using FileMerge I compared it to what seems to be 
the wrapper files in PocketSword. Upon at least a simple comparison, there 
seems to be some similarities, but also some huge differences as well. 
FileMerge highlighted quite a lot of things. I remember that at least one 
header file has the same name, but other than that the header seems to have 
completely different code. It was a surprise.

> On Oct 14, 2016, at 4:15 AM, Manfred Bergmann <manfred.bergm...@me.com> wrote:
> I’m also having tons of warnings when compiling SWORD in Xcode for 64 bit.
> The precision warnings can be ignored IMO. But due to the sheer number of 
> warnings it’s very hard to detect warnings that shouldn’t be ignored.
> Btw: there is a Objective-C wrapper for the SWORD library under bindings/objc 
> which I maintain and use in Eloquent.
> AFAIK some form of the wrapper in used in PS.
> It would be great if efforts could be shared in using only one codebase.
> Manfred
>> Am 13.10.2016 um 22:30 schrieb TS <outofthec...@icloud.com 
>> <mailto:outofthec...@icloud.com>>:
>>      So, Xcode gives me hundreds of warnings when I try to build for 64 bit 
>> mode. I've also tried searching the mailing list so I see that some people 
>> earlier in the year may be have seen the same warnings (for PocketSword), so 
>> I think I better understand why I've seen that some of the libraries were 
>> updated(I don't know if all were updated or ?). However, I'm still getting 
>> errors and some of it is in the Sword framework. My impression so far of 
>> what's going on is that Xcode is telling me is that there are datatypes 
>> which are not being converted properly. I think this is happening due to 
>> things like "int" and "long" not occupying the same amount of space or 
>> something like they use to do in 32 bit and so need a casting in order to be 
>> converted properly?
>>      An example is listkey.h at line 147 in which "index" is a "long", but 
>> then setToElement is for an "int".
>>      Another is swbuf.h at line 448 "...const { unsigned int psize = 
>> strlen(postfix); ..." where Xcode warns that there's a loss of precision. 
>> That an unsigned long is converting to an unsigned int. I think that 
>> unsigned long occupies 64 bits when run in 64 bit mode, but the int stays in 
>> 32 bits when run in 64 bit mode.
>>     I have compared the Sword framework that it's using against the last 
>> stable one and there's doesn't seem to be changes to address the issues I'm 
>> seeing.
>>     Any suggestions on how to proceed?
>> -TS
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