I’m on holiday and won’t be able to look at this for a while. I don’t know if 
someone else can sooner. Either way having your minimal test file would help. 

— DM Smith
From my phone. Brief. Weird autocorrections. 

> On Nov 21, 2018, at 8:03 PM, Dudeck, John <john.dud...@sim.org> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have been having fits trying to build commentary modules, because the 
> verses in a verse range are not linking to the first verse of the range. In 
> the past this was working.
> I am working in Windows 10, with 64-bit Sword utilities.
> I had updated to osis2mod Rev 3431 in order to get support for the French 
> versifications. Previously I was using Rev 2893.
> I pared an osis file down to one single article (div) that was a commentary 
> on Rom.1.2-Rom.1.5. Verses 3-5 were not being linked to verse 2 using the 
> 64-bit version 3431 osis2mod.exe.
> I then changed the path to the 32-bit version 2893 osis2mod.exe file and ran 
> the exact same compile script. The module that was generated DOES link verses 
> 3-5 to verse 2.
> Is there something that I need to do differently with the newer version of 
> osis2mod to get it to link? Or how can I get a fully functional set of Sword 
> utilities for Windows?
> Thanks!
> John Dudeck
> Programmer at Editions Cle                             Lyon, France
> john.dud...@sim.org                            j...@editionscle.com
> --
> "The tar pit of software engineering will continue to be sticky
>  for a long time to come." -- Brooks
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