I'd like to get sympy.physics added to docs.sympy.org.  From what I
can tell, this should be as simple as creating

Before doing this, I wanted to see what people thought about the
organization of this module, because this will influence how the docs
are organized.  Currently, there are several files in sympy/physics,
and then there is physics/quantum, and there is physics/classical [0].
 A few questions:

1)  Should any of the code in sympy.physics be bundled into it's own
submodule (similar to quantum and/or classical)?
2)  Are there reasons this part of sympy has not been added to
docs.sympy.org in the past (other than lack of time)?

The easiest approach would probably to leave the structure as is, and
just add the necessary .txt files to doc/src/modules/physics.  If
people are happy with the current structure of this part of sympy, I
can add some skeleton files that will get the basic sphinx framework
started, and then the submodules can be more completely fleshed out
and polished by the people who are most familiar with the various bits
of code that sympy/physics includes.



[0] -- https://github.com/gilbertgede/sympy/tree/pydy/sympy/physics/classical

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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