I think that the clear difference between Eq and Eqn should be.
So if the operations like "divide sides" are going to be implemented for 
`Eq` in parallel, I think that it's better to see more logical framework 
there (like giving conditions where division is possible or not), to 
distinguish it from Eqn.

On Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 12:03:57 PM UTC+9 gu...@uwosh.edu wrote:

> I have developed a SymPy tool that allows manipulation of equations (two 
> expression equal to each other, e.g. `a*b = c/d`) using as close to 
> standard mathematical notation as I could manage. This is primarily meant 
> for interactive use when doing manual algebra, but has some potential uses 
> as a backend for automatic symbolic manipulations.
> While working to make it possible to incorporate this tool into the sympy 
> codebase some questions have arisen about how this would be used and thus 
> the best way to interface it with sympy. Therefore we need a broader 
> community discussion of this tool.
> Anybody can try this tool interactively by following this mybinder.org 
> link: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/gutow/Algebra_with_Sympy.git/master. The 
> demonstrations of the capabilities are in the Jupyter notebook `Demonstration 
> of equation class.ipynb 
> <https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/gutow-algebra_with_sympy-zxp0vvy8/notebooks/Demonstration%20of%20equation%20class.ipynb>
> `.
> We are interested in knowing if people find any of the behavior odd and 
> why. In particular we are not sure about the best behavior for 
> differentiation and integration, so please look at those sections 
> carefully. We could also use input on operations that you would like to 
> work that do not and how they should behave.
> Please reply to this discussion thread.
> Thank you,
> Jonathan

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