
You seem to be having difficulty with the structure of an email message and how 
Synapse handles it. Its worth reading the RFCs on it.

1. Unless you can guarantee otherwise it is possible for an email to be simply 
plain text in which case the body is everything after the first empty line.

2. Even though you're simplifying things by not bothering about the type of 
attachment an email can have two body sections - one in plain text and one in 
html (there may be more but I don't know of them) and you may need to take 
account of that.

You need to examine the primary and seconday types of the mime part you have to 
determine what actions to take. The example you quote says that the secondary 
type is "alternative" which means it requires additional processing.

My email message decoder class is c900 LOC, has been running for over a decade, 
and I still have (occasionally) to adjust it when someone does something weird 
that the RFCs do not really allow. I use POP rather than IMAP but I can post a 
copy here if wanted (or you can give me an address to post it to)

Roy Lambert

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