I've added Cairo support for Shade and Bevel layers.
Again the results are very similar but slightly slower. These kind of
layers that manipulate pixels directly doesn't seem to improve much using
Cairo colors. In fact they loose time doing some unwanted operations (due
premultiplied and due to need to convert alpha to a 0-1 range) that doesn't
compensate the supposed speed increase for handling unsigned char in memory.

I've seen that there are room for some improvements in the Paste Canvas
layer because in Cairo I didn't clip the Paste Canvas's canvas's context
because I didn't understand what was doing the Software. Now that I know
more about Cairo and that I understand what does Paste Canvas do, I could
try to use clip in Cairo render and so the things should improve the speed
for all the encapsulated layers that have defined boundaries.

See you int he next report!
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