> Marshall Rose wrote:
> | this message is longer than i'd like, for which i apologize in advance.
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | one of the values behind standardization, and in particular,
> | standardization of open protocols is that you get a concensus behind
> | something [...]
> One thing about which there is consensus is the practice of
> finding the location of and using the Shift key when typing.
> This is particularly true when the text is lengthy.
> It's a sign of respect for one's readers that one makes an
> effort to make one's writing legible rather than forcing people
> to make an extra effort to read it.  Please learn to capitalise
> in the accepted manner at the start of sentences.

perhaps you have too much time on your hands. if so, kindly provide a URL or two
which documents this concensus. otherwise, why not limit your attention to
techincal issues regarding syslog...


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