
I agree with Sam that the WG should review the large changes made
since IETF last call.

I'll respond to these questions -- as a contributor. 
Let me start out by stating that I have no previous experience with
syslog before becoming co-chair. My background has been SNMP-based NMS

I came in as co-chair primarily to help get the documents finished and
through the process, because the WG had stalled and Chris didn't have
the time to spend on getting the WG through the process alone. 

my commnts inline.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam Hartman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:16 PM
> Subject: [Syslog] Comments on draft-ietf-syslog-protocol-20
> Hi.  Thanks for the new draft.
> There are a lot of changes in this version; it will definitely
> a new ietf last call.  I'd recommend that the WG evaluate the
> and ask whether at this stage in the process they are actually
> required.  Perhaps they are.

If we are developing a standard, the documents should describe how the
system works well enough for those with no previous experience in the
protocol to be able to understand it from the documents. I have always
used the rule "IETF documents should be clear and unambiguous" as
various roles as chair and editor in the IETF. 

I found that protocol-17 failed that test. This became quite apparent
when there were debates about terminology related to the -tls- draft
and the -mib- draft. 

> 1) You cannot use originator and sender in the same layering 
> diagram  if they are going to mean different things.  May I 
> suggest calling the entity a transport sender/transport receiver.
> 2) I question whether all three of sender/originator/formatter are
>    needed.  I recommend dropping formatter and perser, folding their
>    behavior in somewhere else.

As we tried to work on the docuemnts, especially the mib, it became
clear that different people have different ideas of what each term
means. In the mib it is necessary to model the abstract concepts of
how the system works.

The concepts of syslog seem to be that some entity, e.g. a device,
request that a syslog message be created and logged/sent on its
behalf. Implementation designs vary widely depending on a lot of
factors, but all seem to accept that some process-or-whatever has an
event occur that should be looged/sent and that some
process-or-whatever creates a message, and some process-or-whatever
sends the prepared message.

Since the WG has been able to separate the protocl form the transport
mappings, the process-or-whatever that craetes the message and th
eprocess-or-whatever that sends the message are separate abstract

Why is this important? because the mib contains counters for things
like number-of-messages-sent; which portion of the system actually
knows how many messages were sent? The requesting process-or-whatever
knows ho wmany were requested; the message-formatting
process-or-whatever knows ho wmessages were prepared for sending, but
the transport sender is the only one that knows how many managed to
get through all the intermediate error-checking and were actually
sent. Only the transport-sender process has the information to make
available to the mib. If different implementations count this counter
from different points in the process, the results will not be
interoperable - an NMS will not be able to accurately compare the
values from two syslog daemons/processes/applications and be able to
compare apples-to-apples rather than comparing apples-to-oranges.
> You are misusing the terms (as an example, the following diff
> that we care about the formatter's IP addresses not the
> I can believe that the formatter chooses the IP address, but I don't
> think it should choose one of its addresses if it is on a different
> machine than the originator.  Misuse of terms from those defining
> terms suggests that you have too many terms.

>From the managed node perspective, it might make perfect sense to use
the originator's IP address sometimes and the formatter's address
sometimes, but from the point of an operator or NMS, it can make all
the difference in the world what that value means vis-a-vis the
network. We need consistency across implementations.

If that value will be used for security purposes, I think it is even
more important that it be consistent about what it represents. Maybe
there should be two different places to represent IP address if it
means two different things.

Again, the terminology has been tremendously unclear and ambiguous.
This WG should make the concepts and terminology clear and

> +   Formatters SHOULD consistently use the same value in the
> +   field for as long as possible.  If the formatter uses IP
> +   inside hostname, the following rules apply: If the formatter is
> +   multihomed, this value SHOULD be one of its actual IP 
> addresses.  If
> +   a formatter is running on a machine that has both statically and
> +   dynamically assigned addresses, then that value SHOULD be from
> +   statically assigned addresses.  As an alternative, the 
> formatter MAY
> +   use the IP address of the interface that is used to send 
> the message.
> If you keep formatter and parser, please for each use of originator,
> formatter, parser and collector explain why that is the correct

Apparently, we still have not gotten the abstract concepts and the
terminology to be clear and unambiguous, since you could not
understand it.
> 3) Why does this obselete 3164?  That document describes a ifferent
>    protocol.

RFC3164 describes a variety of implementations, and during our work,
we found that those descriptions only captured the tip of the iceberg.
As a result, that informational document is inaccurate and misleading,
and should be considered obsolete. We don't declare the
implementations described obsolete, or the non-IETF defacto standard
to be obsolete; we declare the informational RFC to be obsolete.
Historic could also work, if the IESG prefers that choice.

> 4) Why was a.8 removed?

a.8 and the section on PROCID used lots of words, but at the end of
going through all those words, what was said was pretty
straightforward - there was no agreement on the syntax or meaning of
PROCID. The only agreement appeared to be that if the value changed,
that was significant, and some implementations used these fields in a
similar way. We summarized the discussion from a.8 (in -17-) and added
it to 6.2.6 (in -20-).

David Harrington


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