On Mi, 29.08.18 18:24, deepan muthusamy (deepan.m2...@gmail.com) wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a hmi application(without touch feature enabled) created using cgi.
> If I start that application under basic.target, it's running successfully.
> But if I start that application( with touch enabled) under basic.target it
> is failing to start.
> Even systemctl --user start hmi.service also failing to start.
> Only difference between them is touch feature.
> Am I have to start any other service bedore for touch feature?

This is a bit too specific for systemd's forums. You probably have a
better chance of getting help if you contact the folks working on your
"touch support", that's clearly out of focus for systemd itself.

Sorry, and I hope this helps,


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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