Am 02.01.19 um 05:22 schrieb James Feeney:
> On 1/1/19 8:33 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> "After" is a soft dependency, if that unit isn't enabled or don#t exist
>> at all it don't matter
>> "Requires" is a hard dependency and it makes no sense not imply ordering
> And then, what do you mean by "soft dependency" and "hard dependency"?  It 
> sounds like you are calling an ordering dependency "soft" and an activation 
> dependency "hard".
> I'm sorry, I do not understand what you mean by "makes no sense not imply 
> ordering".  Do you mean "to not imply ordering makes no sense"?  In which 
> case, are you saying that "an activation dependency must imply an ordering"?  
> That would not be true.  Activating a unit does not automatically imply or 
> require that that unit be activated or deactivated in any particular order 
> relative to any other unit.

what do you not understand?

when i say "Requires=b.service" common sense says i mean *it is
required* and so the "After=b.service" should not be needed because it's
pretty obvious when i REQUIRE something that it should be there when i
get started

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