I must know something about running, having run five marathons. Maybe not as
much as Malmo the magnificent.

If you knew a little bit about the physiology of running, you would know
that  saying that 800 meters is not a distance event is silly.

Kipketer made two points: he debunked the running myth. Having been to
Eldoret and visiting the schools around there, I can say for certain that NO

Yes, kids walk (or run if they choose) to school, but none more than a few
km. That's what I walked/ran to school as a kid. It happens that the schools
are all along one main road between Eldoret and Kapsabet, which are not even
10 miles apart -- which means that all the kids are on the road together at
the same time, making it seem as if the whole world is there.

You "agent expert" is not such an expert.

If you would like an autographed copy of my book, send a check to the
address below.


Jon Entine
6178 Grey Rock Rd.
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
(818) 991-9803 [FAX] 991-9804

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