In a message dated Sat, 7 Jul 2001  6:04:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Phil Weishaar 

<< Last big meet I was at was Oly Trails in Atlanta so this may not be new but
I always get a kick out of watching the Euro meets and others and see what
new tech devices someone comes up with.  At Paris I saw this little remote
control  device come on the screen when they were showing the womens hammer
winning throw.  The device I guess is used to carry the implement back to
cage.  Obviously it is too much effort for someone to actually carry the
hammer back so we build a battlebot (i love that show) device to deliver it.

BTW, is anyone better at interviews than Lewis Johnson? 


Lewis Johnson is good, but Steve Cram, on BBC radio, is one of the best I've heard. 
Knows the sport very well. Probably went through so many interviews in his own day, he 
knows which questions should (and more importantly) and should not be asked.

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