On 3/4/21 7:51 am, scsijon wrote:

On 2/4/21 6:21 pm, scsijon wrote:

On 1/4/21 2:50 pm, scsijon wrote:

On 1/4/21 2:06 pm, scsijon wrote:

On 1/4/21 11:04 am, scsijon wrote:

On 30/3/21 5:04 pm, scsijon wrote:

I won't be communicating anything inline with this for a day or two, i'd forgotten how slow one core is.

On 30/3/21 1:14 pm, scsijon wrote:

Since I now have a working 20-minimal packageset built, next is to up it to 40-minimal-xorg.

First Error

Something doesn't like -j2, (2 cores) 3-binutils fails with libtool errors, even though there is a work around for this already configured in it. I have tried with a few other fixes, but still fails so going to restart the whole build set as 1 core and see what happens.

Ok, that didn't work except for a SLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW build until it stopped.

Started again back on 2 cores and >

0- with a bit of pre-read after the initial 40-~ fail rounds, I decided to add a -j1 to libtool.desc as it hasn't a libtool.conf (line 32 from binutils.conf with a [O] at the start of the line), libtool builds anyway, but problems have been found with other package builds sometimes if you don't, it seems to be the recomended fix.

1- binutils build problem - A mod to the binutils.conf to # out the --enable-shared line 28, it now builds and works for now, just means binutils is static so I don't know what problems will appear for later packages. There is quite a lot on the web about this problem, it seems that it's relevant to all the 2.36.x series with various work arounds, problem seems to be fixed with removing  any of "--enable-shared", or "-fno-plt" from CFLAGS, or "-Wl,-z,now" from LDFLAGS. I've taken the first option as we had it in our binutils.conf, which is what most people/linux-versions seem to have done and recomend at this point of time. There is a bugzilla on this one, 27360 (plus others linked), suppose to be fixed next version as i read it.

2- xorg-video-intel is failing again, i'm yet to start to get to the bottom of this one, had it in the past and don't remember the fix, need to look up the past build logs and see what was done.

3- libevdev, now needs doxygen to build, i've added it in the libevdev.cache and it built ok

4- nfs-utils, line needs adding in the nf-utils.conf to add a new line 17 as>

var_append extraconfopt '  '  "--with-rpcgen"

apparently now needed if rpcgen isn't installed and 40-minimal-xorg doesn't install the ?relevant package. Later we will have to make it a conditional of course.

5- 5-linux is failing, something about /lib/udev but I wanted to get some of the others working first so i didn't worry about it, we don't use t2's linux package with the Puppy linux series anyway, but I like it to build as a check of the overall build.

and that's the stage i'm up too,

time for breakfast/brunch and a sleep


from 5-linux, a problem, it seems glibc isn't actually building /usr/bin/rpcgen although there is a line in the glibc.conf to do so, it's not in the current package's configure either to actually do something and build it. Looks like we have a package hive-off or something - under investigation

AH, looking at some of my old build notes, it early came to visabity that rpcgen went from glibc to libtirpc and on to pcsvc-proto, where it now resides, I have added that to my 40-minimal-xorg.in file, that should sort that problem out, it also should allow me to  revert nfs-utils, but i'll test a build with it left in first. ?I do wonder if it should be included and be built with one of the others though.


Well a full cleanup and fresh build started, lets see what fails this time.

Ok, latest problems

1- Well somehow/somereason the develop/libtool package needs to be set to 012-45---9, not just 01--45---9, the later causes a fail (just stops) at 4-libtool, while with the extra 2 added it builds ok, don't know whether it's something left over/missing from the rearangements Rene did to the package stage coding or not, it just happens. Anyway, that's my workaround for now.

2- mesa-demos has freeglut, a pre-requisite, in it's .cache file, but for some reason it's not appearing with a X in the relevant config/40/packages file, for now i've added it into my 40-minimal-xorg.in so it is set correctly and it builds.

3- rpcsvc-proto ocassionally fails to a rpcsvc-proto.err file, even though it actually installs everything correctly, when it does fail it's complaining about a duplicate directory, but it is not everytime, just sometime, so i don't know why. I've set my configure to stop if a 5- file fails, and all i'm doing is changing it from rpcsvc-proto.err to rpcsvc-proto.log and it goes on in the build. Will need a fix somewhere at a point in time, but I don't know/remember where or how Rene fixes these.

4- xf86-video-intel has gone back to failing for me, have no idea why, error seems to complain about xorg-macros (xorg-util-macros in T2), even though that's built and already installed.  Maybe the xorg-macros is too new for it as it's currently 19.1 and the xf86-video-intel is complaining about wanting a minimum of 18.something. I've turned it 'off' with a O for now, my try installing an earlier 18.? xorg-util-macros when i set my second T2 build base  (hopefully in the next week or two when another of my development boxes become free). Or maybe a patch is needed for xf86-video-intel, I don't know.

5- By turning the stack smashing protector on in the Config Advanced Settings, it causes 5-gcc to crash (badly) makes the build unuseable and you need a ./scripts/Cleanup -full, turn it off in the config (-cfg 40 for me) and start again, seem to remember that the SSP hasmore than just off and on nowadays, from memory I think it's now has 3 alternatives 'off', 'weak' and 'strong' . Something for rene when he has time to investigate and add to his configure system.

6- 5-linux fails still, so i'm stopping here.

And now we restart with those fixes incorperated/added and well see what happens next time.


two last problems found

1- libusb wants udev to be available , after trying a few different methods the easiest fix is to change udev to also build at stage 3 so it's available from there, the stage line in udev.desc becomes ---3-5---9 instead of -----5---9.

2- libeudev now needs doxygen to build, not just for it's docs, i've moved doxygen from 127.000 to 112.400 and that now builds.

And hopefully that has sorted 40-~ out, a last clean build to check, then on to 50-~.

Should really sort the x86-video-intel problem out first, but that can await my second dev box becoming free.


And I now have built a matching set of packages for a 40-minimal-xorg build twice, so that is now sorted.  YEAH!

Looking back over my notes for this 40-minimal-xorg build (, yes i still prefer hand written log notes, blame it on 40+ years of computing,) I seem to have missed writing that udev and usbutils have a circular dependancy so you need to build with the stages 3 as well as 5(, the stage line in both .desc files now become ---3-5---9).

Also, I am finding that even though a number of packages are in other $packages.cache files, they are not always appearing with a X (build) in the build's configure file. Not sure why though and it's not everytime, just sometimes, and different files can be miss-set so if you have a package fail to build, maybe one of the things to check is the builds config package file to see if it's there with a X (build) or has a O (off) instead. One especially seems to be doxygen which I have now added to my 40-minimal-xorg.in target file, I can't see why it is not being automatically added to the build, as it is in my libevdev.cache file. Oh, and if you have a fail of this type, don't just restart the build, blow the build away and start again, I know it takes time, but some of these missing packages have pre-requisites that have to be built at earlier stages, with parts included in other packages before the package that complained failed.

So i'll consider for now that 40-minimal-xorg gas completed and passed building.

There are a couple of things left over and awaiting my second development system becoming free, but nothing that should hold things up at this stage, that I can see.

I'll take a day or two off now and then start a 50-minimal-desktop build.

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