On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 12:20 PM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>wrote:

> In terms of airports, you really can only compare them on a world wide
> basis, it doesn't matter where a small airport is, it will never have
> the same level of importance as a major international hub like LAX.

I disagree a bit here.  You can choose to compare airports on a world wide
basis (may be useful for an aviation specific map), or you can choose to
compare them based on relative, regional importance (more useful for a
general purpose map).  If a country only has one small airport it's not
going to have the worldwide importance of LAX, but that small airport is
certainly just as important to the residents of that small country as LAX is
to a resident of Los Angeles.  Relative importance makes sense, because
feature density varies from place to place.

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