Am 13.10.2010 10:55, schrieb Ulf Lamping:
The same way as other features that are in common use and (even still)
not listed on Map Features (like the ski piste stuff).
eg. by searching the wili for Craft (or German: Handwerk). It can be found this way.

If people actually like the concept, they will use it often -> which
makes it *then* a good candidate for Map Features.

It should be the other way round: Map Features should contain stuff that
already *is* in wide use, not what should become.

P.S: In fact I like most of the craft entries and think craft is a good
addition to existing features. So my feeling is that it will be used
often, so there should be enough entries in OSM to be added to Map
Features pretty soon - but not yet :-)

I'm with that and we'll leave it this way.


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