Am 05.11.2011 15:49, schrieb Tobias Johansson:

I think it would be good with two values. only and both, to make a
distinction between purly second hand shops and second hand shops that
also sells new items.


  (maybee second_hand=yes could subbstitute only


If you want to differentiate between 'also' and 'only' you will have to be precise.
'Yes' is ambigious for both cases.
E. g. I would see 'secondhand=yes' as as shop which sells normally new items but also secondhand - in opposite to 'secondhand=only'.

But while I would look for a furniture or clothes shop which sells second hand - I would look for a 'second hand shop' if I am looking for IT, electronics, games or other small stuff.
At least here in Germany.

A 'shop=car' mostly sells second hand also ... or only.


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