On 13.06.2012 15:07, Martin Vonwald wrote:
> 2012/6/13 Eckhart Wörner <ewoer...@kde.org>:
>> Competing proposals:
>> * 
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/access_restrictions_1.5 
>> - in my opinion a horrible and incomprehensible syntax with arbitrary 
>> distinctions, taginfo revealed almost no uses (for example, 
>> "maxspeed:hgv:wet" in the Extended Conditions proposal above is 
>> "access:lgv?wet.speed" in the Access Restrictions 1.5 proposal)
> In my opinion the 1.5 proposal is not that horrible. The syntax is
> quite complicated so that no mere mortal will ever understand it and
> we would need quite some editor support there. But is also seems to be
> more flexible and powerful.

Can you give a concrete example where it is actually more powerful?
Something that can be expressed with "restrictions 1.5", but not with
the "extended conditions" syntax?

(Yes, it lists "more of the same" - more vehicle types, more groups of
users, more weather conditions and so on. But that's not what I mean.
These things don't have anything to do with the syntax.)

> However your example "access:lgv?wet.speed" is a good one against the
> 1.5 proposal. But why not combine those proposals? This would result
> in "maxspeed:hgv?wet". I read this as "the MAXSPEED for HGV IF (the
> question mark) weather is WET is ...". Sound reasonable to me.

More reasonable than "access:lgv?wet.speed", yes. But how is it easier
than "maxspeed:hgv:wet"?


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