I want to call a few facts in mind:

- We have an old attribute "landuse = reservoir". This is very much in use.
- We have a proposal "Water detail". This was approved in voting by a large

This proposal includes:
    waterway=riverbank (replaced by natural=water + water=river)
    landuse=reservoir (replaced by natural=water + water=reservoir)
    landuse=pond (replaced by natural=water + water=pond)
    Until all renderers (which render those areas differently from
natural=water) support those new values, both schemes can be used together:
just add natural=water and water=* to already present tags. "Deprecates"
means "is equivalent for all purposes to". For example, landuse=reservoir
should be rendered exactly like natural=water + water=reservoir. There are
too many uses of the current tagging scheme, and we don't want massive
retagging and edit wars.

Many users have decided together for this new approach.
This result should be respected by all of us.
Finally, it was at that time already been discussed extensively over the

Why do we resist again bring this discussion now? The proposal is
unique and clearly
understandable. The desire of the community should follow, and
document decisions
made in the wiki accordingly. This also means that there is a successor to

My assumption was that you know the decision of the community. Apparently this
is not so, otherwise this discussion would not be necessary.

Sincerely yours

Thanks to Google Translate for the translation of my German contribution.
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