2013/9/18 SomeoneElse <li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk>

> It may well be that almost no-one has mapped allotment plots before**,

looking a bit around in Berlin, which in some areas is full of allotment
gardens, relieves that some areas are indeed mapped up to the plot. They
simply used landuse=allotments on a singular plot: e.g.
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/136844597 (didn't make an extensive
research, just something I found on the fly).

If you look around in northern Berlin you can see lots and lots of
allotment gardens, all mapped with their name and mostly with the names of
the paths inside, but hardly up to the single plot.


btw.: the Germans and the Austrians even have a distinct law for allotment
gardens ;-)
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