On 09/18/2013 11:45 AM, Dan S wrote:
2013/9/18 John F. Eldredge <j...@jfeldredge.com>:
Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
What is the essential difference between plot and lot in an OSM context?
Dictionaries often seem to treat them as synonyms when applying to a "patch
of land". But I'm a Brit... What's the US/AUS/CDN/NZ/etc view on this?


On 2013-09-18 16:35, John F. Eldredge wrote:

On 09/18/2013 09:17 AM, fly wrote:

Am 18.09.2013 11:26, schrieb Lukas Hornby:

Hi, Thanks for all your comments so far, very constructive. I've updated
the comments to hopefully answer all of your concerns.
In particular defnition seems to be key and I can confirm my definition is
from a British perspective. Community garden is different in definition,
both here and in the US (and elsewhere) but a useful comparison, as the
ethos and values are usually similar. I'm aware the title is too generic.
being new to OSM i'm not sure whether hierarchical tags (in a taxonomy) are
encoraged or adjectival tags?

First thing to consider would be that your intension is to map alloments'
plots. As already mentioned this does not fit under landuse. Second;
Should/Could this tag be used besides alloments ? There is
ammenity=parking_space but I think it is the only tag describing
"parcels/lots". If you decide to only use it for alloments a simple
alloment:lot=yes would work as areas within landuse=alloment. Lots of
alloments I know have fences between the single lots so be prepared to find
lots of multipolygons as you would need one for each lot to proper define
the ref=*.

Note that the word under discussion is "plot", not "lot".

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Well, in American usage, a lot refers to a larger piece of land, such as you
might buy to build your house upon; a plot refers to a smaller piece, such
as a gardener might plant vegetables in.

I know that allotment refers to a tract of land in which multiple people
rent smaller sections to grow vegetables or flowers for their own use. Since
a garden in British usage refers to all of the land surrounding one's
residence, what would Britons call the portion of one own's land in which
one grows vegetables, what Americans would refer to as a garden? It wouldn't
logically be an allotment, since you are doing it on your own property.,
"vegetable patch" for a simple area, or if more designed/architected,
"kitchen garden"

Would such an area of land, used for cultivating flowers, then be classed as a flower garden? American usage is to refer to vegetable gardens, flower gardens, and (collectively) to gardens. We sometimes see the term "kitchen garden" used for growing vegetables, but "vegetable garden" is more common.

I remember seeing, on trips to Europe in 1969 and 1974, many small allotment gardens tucked into railroad yards in Germany and Switzerland, probably for use by railroad employees. Any section of land of more than a few square meters, that wasn't covered by tracks, seemed to be under cultivation. I did wonder about how healthy it would be to eat vegetables grown in land contaminated by oil, metallic dust, and untreated human waste (the train toilets discharged directly onto the tracks below).

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