Am 18.09.2013 11:26, schrieb Lukas Hornby:
> Hi,
> Thanks for all your comments so far, very constructive. 
> I've updated the comments to hopefully answer all of your
> concerns. 
> In particular defnition seems to be key and I can confirm my definition
> is from a British perspective.
> Community garden is different in definition, both here and in the US
> (and elsewhere) but a useful comparison, as the ethos and values are
> usually similar.
> I'm aware the title is too generic. being new to OSM i'm not sure
> whether hierarchical tags (in a taxonomy) are encoraged or adjectival tags?

First thing to consider would be that your intension is to map
alloments' plots.

As already mentioned this does not fit under landuse.

Second; Should/Could this tag be used besides alloments ? There is
ammenity=parking_space but I think it is the only tag describing

If you decide to only use it for alloments a simple alloment:lot=yes
would work as areas within landuse=alloment.

Lots of alloments I know have fences between the single lots so be
prepared to find lots of multipolygons as you would need one for each
lot to proper define the ref=*.

My 2 ct

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