We do appear to have a problem in that in parts of the World the concept of allowing bicycles but not allowing cycling is a reality, however mad that may seem. Likewise, some countries don't care where you go with your bicycle if you're not riding it but other countries don't allow bicycles to even be present on some ways.

So, we need to adjust the values in the http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Access tag to reflect this.

Looking at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_tags_for_routing/Access-Restrictions there are clear assumptions set out for each country but no where do we address the issue of bikes being allowed or not dependant on if they are being ridden or not.

However, the above is a separate issue to bicycle=dismount. The dismount road sign is simply a way of telling the cyclist that you can no longer ride your bicycle along this way. It is a modification of the ACCESS rights on that way, hence we shouldn't have a tag for that sign, just like we don't have a tag for no-entry, we either modify the flow of traffic or modify the ACCESS tag; nor do we have a tag for "Buses only", we modify the ACCESS tag.

So, to answer the original question: I see no reason for the bicycle=dismount, it is covered by the ACCESS tag.

Here's a clue : http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:bicycle


On 11/10/2013 08:45, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

Am 11/ott/2013 um 01:07 schrieb "Frank Little" <frank...@xs4all.nl>:

I certainly wouldn't mark it as bicycle=no, because bicycles are allowed (they 
just have to be pushed).

at the risk of repeating: the key bicycle is not about bicycles but about 

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