Yes, the intention is to stop people pushing their bikes in a pedestrian area.
No limitation on prams, wheelchairs, luggage trolleys, etc.
It's just aimed at bikes (which in a country with lots of bikes, like the Netherlands, is understandable).

Again: this really is not what bicycle=dismount is about.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jonathan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

However, if there is a situation in a country where a bicycle can't even be pushed, which I'm unaware of in the UK, then the access tag needs to be extended to include a "no pushed bicycles" option. In those circumstances can you push a wheelchair or pram or a luggage trolley but not push a bike?


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