On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Florian Lohoff <f...@zz.de> wrote:

> A fix would be an admin_level=6;8 on the boundary or duplicating
> the relation.

I'm surprised you still have such questions in Germany. Your
description is not clear since you don't explain what is on the way
and what is on the relation. But I can tell how it *should* be : on
the boudary way : put the highest admin level (thus, with the lowest
numerical number). And create one relation per admin_level, obviously.
What I guess is that the admin_level on the way is just used for
rendering purpose, not by nominatim which should exclusively work with
admin boundary relations or place nodes.
For the "county free big city", simply don't create a relation with
admin_level 6 but keep only the one exclusively for admin_level 8.


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