Surely the boundary way itself is unlikely to have a name, other than a
synthetic "a/b boundary"? Unless of course the name refers to some
feature like a road or a river which in a specific case may be part of
the boundary. As administrative bodies (and their boundaries) are
usually hierarchical in nature, it feels a more natural fit to allow
segments of a boundary way to be shared between admin areas at different
levels, which are defined in relations. All the names and other
characteristics of the admin unit go on the relation, and the ways which
represent segments of the boundaries don't need tags at all (although a
basic boundary=administrative is usually applied to make them render,
although this should not be required). In this way there are no
conflicts in the tagging. There is also a single point of definition for
the name of the admin unit; any changes only need to be made on the
relation, and do not need propagating to the constituent ways. 

The discussion then shifts to the rendering - how do you control how
boundaries are rendered? What is to be the text on the boundary - if
any? Let's not make the tagging suboptimal for the sake of getting our
preferred text to show up on the map. This is called "tagging for the
renderer" and we don't do that. 


On 2013-11-06 10:31, Pieren wrote: 

> Now I see that the "county free big city." is incorrect. If the admin
> level exists but is just matching another level boundary, we duplicate
> the relation in my country since years. See for instance
> - Paris, the municipality (city), level 8 :
> [1]
> - Paris, the "departement" (equ. to your county), level 6 :
> [2]
> (there is even one for admin_level 7)
> We just had a dispute about the tag "name". Some countries seem to
> apply a different name for the county and the city relation. Two
> examples:
> - "Orange county" (vs "Orange") in US :
> [3]
> - "Canton Capellen" (vs "Capellen") in Luxemburg :
> [4]
> Personnally, I'm in favour to apply the same policy in France where
> others said that the tag "admin_level" is providing the information.
> Pieren
> Pieren
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