Matthijs Melissen <> writes:

> On 20 August 2014 18:45, Rob Nickerson <> wrote:
>> Wood: Woodland with no forestry
>> Forest: Managed woodland or woodland plantation.
> How do you define forestry or 'managing' forests?
> Most forests in the Netherlands are managed by Staatsbosbeheer, the
> national forest trust.
> They have as policy (at least for some of their forests) not to
> intervene in their forests unless there is danger to visitors. The
> forests are typically planted by humans centuries ago, but I can
> imagine most of the trees nowadays have grown naturally (although I
> have no way to verify this). How would you classify these?

That is landuse=conservation.

I think the right thing to do is to look to professional geography.
There, there are two separate concepts

  land use: what humans do with the land

  land cover: what is actually there

So landuse=forest is appropriate for land which is being managed for
production, even if it is little pulp trees.

And natural=wood (or we should move to landcover=wood, really) for areas
that are dominated by trees.

So land that is wooded that is *intentionally* being left in a natural
state so that future generations will still have access is
landuse=conservation, not landuse=forest.  And then it needs landcover
tags to describe where trees/grass/etc. are.

There are areas in the US which are "national forests" which people can
get permission to cut trees, and to graze cattle.  Not all of the area
in them is wooded; there are fields and roads.  (I just drove through
one and had to stop for cows in the road, with both sides meadow.)

So the big sticking point is that people have to get over "but in my
country forest means X".   We need to have a global definition of what
the tags mean, and then not worry that local usage of those words has a
vast number of differences.

The key point is to separate landuse, which is "what are humans doing
with the land" and "what's actually there".

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