Good proposal, Andrew.

On 21 août 2014 22:29:40 UTC+02:00, Andrew Guertin <> 
>On 08/20/2014 04:58 PM, Richard Z. wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 06:45:30PM +0100, Rob Nickerson wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Sorry to raise this issue again but it really does need resolving:
>>> * for ensuring good data; and
>>> * to prevent forest and wood being rendered as the same thing [1]
>>> Currently the descriptions in the green box on the right of the wiki
>>> (and thus those that get picked up by taginfo and other software)
>>> Wood: Woodland with no forestry
>>> Forest: Managed woodland or woodland plantation.
>>> In my eyes this is pretty clear. What am I missing / why does there
>seem to
>>> be so much confusion?
>> landuse/landcover/natural need resolving so I would not spend too
>> energy on partial improvements of it.
>True, but this is the largest single part of what needs to be fixed 
>about it all.
>Personally, I think the following scheme would work well:
>       anywhere there's trees on the ground
>       where logging activity occurs or the forest is otherwise closely
>       tended by humans
>       forests without much human activity, either because they're
>       protected or because they're far away from humans
>The landuse and natural tags would be in addition to landcover. The
>majority of areas would have neither, because they're not cared for by 
>humans but they're still too affected by human interaction.
>This does get ambiguous anywhere humans decided "we want trees here,
>other than that we don't care", like the Three-North Shelter Forest 
>landuse could have crop=*, if known.
>       Deprecated. Consumers probably want to treat this like
>       landcover=forest. Human editors should change this to a newer
>       tag only if they know what is appropriate, with the hint that
>       it might be a managed forest, if the original editor was paying
>       close attention.
>       Deprecated. Consumers probably want to treat this like
>       landcover=forest. Human editors should change this to a newer
>       tag only if they know what is appropriate, with the hint that
>       it might be a wild forest, if the original editor was paying
>       close attention.
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