and the line between public and private is not one OSM singles out very much 
(is is a public school vs a private school?), but things are separated by 
function. and the functions are of a civic government (pnsion offices, taxes, 
judicial, etc). I would use the word "public" or “government” but civil 
(opoopsite of military or company use) is a good fit, and civic is basically 
“for civil”, so it works well enough - and matches a pre-existing approved 
building subtag. 


> On Nov 4, 2014, at 8:30 AM, Clifford Snow <> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 4:02 PM, johnw < <>> 
> wrote:
> Civic is what I suggested a few months ago. but where the line is drawn is up 
> for debate: what is included in this catch-all, and what isn’t.
> I’ve tried arguing that each class should have their own catch-all landuse - 
> eg: we have residential/ retail/ industrial/ commericial - and hundreds of 
> different tags to properly define the the buildings that would fall into 
> these 4 land uses.
> I believe there is a good case for landuse=civic (name matches 
> building=civic) to cover the basic landuse of a myriad of 
> public/civic/institutional/state services that could be tagged with more 
> specific amenity tags, or a new civic=• subtag - either through point 
> markers, building labels, or on the area with the landuse.
> Let the landuse denote class, and the other tags take care of the detail. 
> just like with residential / commercial / retail / industrial.
> if you want to slice out a service  (eg, school, hospital, airport), that’s 
> fine - but I think there is enough leftover to warrant another broad landuse 
> class.
> I just noticed that my local government uses "public" for these types of 
> landuse. That seems like a appropriate land use for most of the usages 
> described. Civic refers to the duties of people associated with their 
> governments. Public refers to being "open" as in the lands and buildings. 
> Clifford
> -- 
> @osm_seattle
> <>
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