The club page seems to suggest
that club=sport + sport=cycling type tagging should be used for competitive

Which in my optinion is a bad idea, too. There is really no generel
agreement as far as I know that club=sport is for competitive stuff
only. I also don't think it's a good idea, because it would confuse a
lot of people. I think subtagging makes a lot more sense.

Tag:sport=scuba_diving as divespot has been in use for a long time already

has been approved.

That's great and everything, but that's still nothing compared to sport=
used 700000x where everywhere all tags have additional tags for physical

It just makes no sense to allow exceptions like this. If we allow this
then everybody will find exceptions for other sports and you won't be
able to combine them.
Like even now how would you tag a sport shop that sells e.g. sailing and
scuba diving gear? You can't tag it sport=sailing;scuba_diving ... so
what now?

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