On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 02:53:32PM +0100, Colin Smale wrote:
> Let's look at the entity relations in play here. Surely a club IS an
> organisation, not a building. The club MAY USE one or more buildings,
> and MAY OWN one or more buildings. A club HAS a contact address, HAS
> members, HAS a "board" etc etc. So following the rules of "one object,
> one set of tags", putting "club=chess" on a building could be considered
> to be wrong, as the building may be used by several clubs. Bearing in
> mind how some people hate multi-valued tags with semicolons, how about
> "club:chess=meeting_place"? Then multiple clubs could use the same
> building, each with a different role if required. Otherwise use a simple
> node (per club) within the building to indicate some relationship
> between the club and the building. 



> Colin 
> On 2014-11-24 14:36, Richard Z. wrote: 
> > On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 02:13:07PM +0100, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> > 2014-11-24 13:57 GMT+01:00 Richard Z. <ricoz....@gmail.com>: According to 
> > the approved http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Club [1] 
> > chess has an own club=chess, as has fishing, automobile, hiking - all of 
> > which can be either leisure type or sport type activities. I think 
> > "club=automobile" for a motorsport / racing club would not be very well 
> > chosen as this might really mean a lot of different things, some of them 
> > clearly neither "leisure" nor "sport", e.g. the "ADAC" (biggest German 
> > automobile club, almost every 4th German is a member, 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADAC [2] ) does organize also some racing 
> > event, but is mostly seen as kind of insurance if your car breaks down (and 
> > as very strong political lobbyist advocating mainly individual motorized 
> > traffic). Documentation of the club tag is very scarse at the moment: 
> > http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Key:club [3] and I am not sure how it can be 
> > improved, e.g. if I wanted to write something about club=automobile, would I
> have to write to all the mappers that have put these 127 club=automobile on 
> the map, to ask what they have used the tag for?
> I think much the same problem exists with other club=value as well like
> club=chess? Nevertheless.. you may walk by a building with a tag
> something
> like a "chess-club" and if it is mapped as club=chess it is "correct".
> It is also fairly un-informative but we are supposed to map what we see
> and not do background checks of clubs with google or wikipedia?
> Richard
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