On 22/01/2015, Johan C <osm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From an OSM point-of-view, which includes being friendly towards novice
> users, relations should be avoided whenever possible. And associatedStreet
> relations are avoidable.

The counter-argument is that a novice is less likely to break the data
when updating an area that is mapped using associatedStreet. I like
the fact the fact that people need not even be aware of addresses in
order to fix a street name. Being able to add/fix housenumbers without
having to worry about addr:street (which would be very cumbersome on
mobile devices editors - editing while surveying FTW) is also a big

Given that relations in general are not going away, the proper
solution to the "novices have trouble with relations" problem is not
to use less relations but to make relations easyer to edit and better
documented. FWIW, I feel there is slow but steady progress in that

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