On 24.01.2015 13:12, moltonel 3x Combo wrote:
> Recomended isn't mandatory. The name tag of associatedStreet is only
> of use to mappers (to find the relation in the editor), not consumers.

Not mandatory, but still used in 93.20% of relations. So ignoring the
relation is not practically feasible.

> "hindered" is a matter of perspective. With associatedStreet one can
> change a house's street address using only the mouse. When a house is
> already in a relation, changing its housenumber is just as easy as
> with addr:street.

It's not a matter of perspective that the most common use case (adding
addresses from scratch) is still not helped by relations. Clicking on
the building and entering number and street name in a form is also a
very natural interface for those not familiar with advanced tools,
making any overhead pointless.

> Basic tasks are never going to be relation-free. Multipolygons, bus
> routes, turn restrictions... The more complete osm will get, the more
> impossible it'll be to avoid relations.

Even if all bus routes and turn restrictions were mapped in OSM, they
would still only affect a small amount of roads in the database. Mapping
every address with associatedStreet relations, on the other hand, would
affect almost every street in a settlement.

In fact, if every address today was mapped with associatedStreet
relations, that relation type would be more common than every other
relation type combined!

So avoiding associatedStreet would of course not remove the problem
entirely. But it would make the problem so much smaller that getting rid
of it is absolutely worth it.

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