On 31/01/2015 3:18 PM, David Bannon wrote:
On Sat, 2015-01-31 at 14:55 +1100, Warin wrote:
... I think the following things should be mapped to add information
to the map in regards some, mainly commercial, camp grounds that have
communal kitchens;
Warin, I recently was looking at  Tag:tourism=camp_site and thinking it
lacked a lot of detail.

There is a proposal to extent at
that appears to have run out of steam. But a reasonable start. Would the
features you want to add be more appropriate there ?
Thin end of wedge ... the things I've stated go in any kitchen .. thus can be used by the indoor mapping group too.Thus not specific to a camp.
I'd have a few things I'd like to add, mainly concentrating on
facilities at what are called "Free Camps" in Oz, generally no (or very
little) charge, remote, basic facilities for well equipped campers.
Opposite end of your target .....

But could be turned into a nice package IMHO.
I'm less inclined to a package .. someone objects to bit z, another to bit t .. and you get too many people voting against all of it due to their one gripe. So I'll try for one at a time approach and see if they go through that way. My thread is about man_made .. or some other starter to these kind of kitchen things..

The 'fee camps' in Oz are very free form .. in Germany you must place your tent in an area .. at say section G53 ... they are very regimented.. when you get your site allocated at the front office you don't just go wandering around and select what you want, those were at paid sites .. free sites in Germany .. not found by me, well before OSM. Generally remote OZ = find your own site somewhere, bury your human waste and carry out the rest. If your taking National Parks, State Forests .. some have very nice facilities .. they usually charge at them though.

What other non tagged facilities are you thinking off? Toilets + benches, taps are done. Fire places? Oh .. washing lines? Most of Europe don't know what they are - they use dryers .. not the climate for a washing line. Laundry .. usually in a building and can be tagged shop=laundry think that exists.

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