On 14/02/2015 11:02 AM, David Bannon wrote:
Warin, others, no further thoughts on a new high level tag indicating
rubbish disposal facilities ?

Background is that this came up while tagging campsite but its potential
use is far greater. We have many high level tags and most relate to
activity that generates rubbish, lets deal with it !

To summarise discussion, structures like -


is a bit clumsy given how many tags are needed and how often it _should_
be tagged. Further, many "sites" be they mining, camping, whatever are
large and identifying the particular node where the disposal point is is
of value.

rubbish=chemical_toilet    is, perhaps ambiguous. Do we like

rubbish_disposal=      ????   waste_disposal= ???

Lets see some hands please ?

I'd split the voting up into

A)   waste_      vs        rubbish_

And I'd go for waste_   A better word that applies to more things?

B) collection   vs     disposal

For me 'collection' as disposal may be the final resting place of the waste, collection is the more frequent case.

so .. for me


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