- "It's not simple at all. Using amenity
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:amenity>=* for this makes it
impossible to combine it with such POIs. Also why amenity at all? For me
it looks like a "I didn't find anything better", I mean amenity
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dreception_desk> can't
even stand on its owm."

with which POI should this be combined _on the same object_? I mean,
this is a tag for a reception desk, obviously it can be combined with
other amenities by putting it inside them, but you won't have many
objects that are at the same time a reception desk and don't know,
toilets? An example why this is a problem would help to understand the

Look at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:amenity and tell me those don't have reception desks.

And you can't put them inside and amenity if it's just a node of a building like for example many doctors. By adding *=reception_desk to such a node it would be clear that someone did not just put a random node somewhere on the building, but that the doctor is actually there.

Also what about "receptions" at big companies, factories etc. where you often also have a gate. Do you just use the tag for that? Is reception_DESK really fitting?



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