Am 28.03.2015 um 16:10 schrieb Hubert:
> That's not what I wanted to say. A cycleway is mandatory if has one of the 
> signs 237, 240 or 241 AND it is parallel to a road. A sign by itself doesn't 
> make a cycleway mandatory.

You have something confused there. Germany has two (forgetting about
lanes for now) kinds of cycleways:

- such without mandatory use provision (used to be "andere
Radverkehrsanlagen"), there does not seem to be any formal signage for
these and it could be argued that they don't really exist.

- such with a mandatory use provision indicated with one of the already
mentioned three signs.

Mandatory in this context means you have to use the cycleway instead of
a nearby normal road surface/area.

For the later there is a list of reasons why you can be exempt from the
mandatory use provision, for example that there is no other alternative
surface you can cycle on (the example you cited), your vehicle doesn't
fit on the cycleway, the cycleway doesn't actually go to where you want
to go and so on. In other countries this is called "common sense".

Now even though I yet have to see an instance of the first kind of
cycleway that can't be modelled with normal access tags, if they are
even necessary in the first place, the community has accepted that in
Germany bicycle=official instead of designated is used for the 2nd kind
of cycleway so that they could theoretically be differentiated.

Further if you want to model the situation even "better" (nearby road
surfaces are already "nearby" in OSM data) you can now add
bicycle=use_sidepath to the alternative surface that you are not allowed
to ride on (even though I personally consider that a waste of perfectly
good bits).

There is simply no point in both a practical and theoretical sense for
splitting the "official" value in to "official" and in to
"I_think_this_might_be_mandatory" given that the later is purely


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