So you have renamed it Jan ?

Happy to see the original name, camp_site, pop up in parallel ? Probably
make sense to deal with them both as closely as we can.

An outsider, someone who has not seen the effort put in here (especially
by you), may see these as competing entries but they are really not. As
we have established !

I note you did not do 'scout camp' on there. Its equally specialised but
a different special I think ?? Hmm....


On Sun, 2015-03-29 at 20:47 +0000, Jan van Bekkum wrote:
> I have made major changes to the proposal as a result of our
> discussions. It it is strictly limited to camping type (designation)
> and does no longer classify on facility level, ease of access or
> pricing.
> It can be found here.
> Regards,
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