2015-04-07 15:10 GMT+02:00 Martin Vonwald <imagic....@gmail.com>:

> I was refering to "different idea of the defintion".
> If someone has a different idea about what a tag should mean, one will
> either
> * be ignorant and use the tag in a (completely) different way

the issue is typically not a "completely" different way, but a "slightly"
different way.

> When should you write a proposal for a new tag (i.e. how much "use" should
>> a tag have before you can document it?).
> I would write a short documentation right at the beginning and
> expand/adjust it continuously while increasing the discussion and usage of
> the tag. Actually that's the way I wrote all my proposals up to now and
> will continue to do it that way. Unless - of course - someone comes up with
> a better idea of introducing new tags.

I'm also doing it like this, when I start using a new tag. Actually I am
using the draft state as long as I think I'd maybe want to change or refine
the definition, and I set it to "proposed" when I think I won't have to
change the definition. IMHO this is important for others to know when they
think about using the same tag, to communicate how settled the definition
is, and how likely it will still be changed.

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