On 23 February 2016 at 12:54, Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The tricky bit of course is that those percentages are "of the people who
> voted".
> Taginfo reckons objects with the key "shop" were last edited by 105 030
> different users, and there are 1,976,690 shops, of which 20,851 are jewelry
> and 215 jewellery, which suggests (finger in the air) around 1100 individual
> mappers last edited a jewellery shop. Taking that as the base, the "approval
> rate" of a little under 4%, based on a "voter turnout" or a little under
> 6%*.

That doesn't really make sense, people use the American spelling
because this is the tag suggested by editors or because it is the tag
supported by data consumers, not because they think it's necessarily
the best tag,

I'm quite sure that most people who voted for 'jewellery' use
'jewelry' when mapping.

-- Matthijs

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