> On Jun 13, 2016, at 5:13 PM, Mark Wagner <mark+...@carnildo.com> wrote:
>  In my experience, the
> defining characteristic of a trail is that it isn't paved.

So why isn't every track highway=service + surface=* ???? 

Motorway? Service road? Both concrete - same usage and expected conditions, 
right? Let's define both of those through width and max speed. 

Look at the pictures I linked to. Look at the first one especially. 

I can go to a nice park in San Diego and walk along a nice highway=footway with 
my 68 year old mother and my friend in a wheelchair and my little cousin on a 
push bicycle. Surface=dirt. 

Go try to do any of those on either path I linked. There were (honestly) 60 
year old ladies with little hats and hiking boots there, with their trekking 
poles and goretex uppers, looking for birds, delivered there by a tour bus . 
But there is no way that those routes should have their differences *defined* 
by tags that can be used to define a characteristic of any other tag. They have 
completely different expectations of usage and conditions. 

Highway=Path/footway, when used to tag ways we can find in a city park, a mall, 
a sidewalk along a thoroughfare, or a footbridge is completely different than a 
path up the side of Mt Fuji, a cut-through along a fence, or a muddy, mushy 
trail along a creek in a natural reserve. There usually is a mix of "sidewalks" 
and "trails", especially in a large park or trailheads. 

Being able to define them separately and get them rendered differently allows 
for proper interpretation and expected conditions - Just like an alley vs a 
farming road vs a motorway - Is essential for accurately describing the world. 

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