On 26-Oct-16 08:52 AM, Michael Reichert wrote:
Hi Warin,

Am 25.10.2016 um 23:32 schrieb Warin:
? You are not proposing removing all the English names from the data base?!
No, he doesn't.

He just proposes to remove the English name from the name=* tag in
countries where English is neither an official language nor a common
(but non-official) language.


  name:en=*, int_name=* etc. will be left

How they are used (rendered) is your issue.
Sometimes the developers of rendering styles discover errors in our
data. That's what happened with Sven who develops a German branch of OSM
Carto which does a phonetic transcription of non-Latin scripts into Latin.

PS I agree with Sven's proposal as long as he acts carefully.

As I now understand his idea, I too would encourage the action.

Would any transcription be placed into name:la=* (la is the language code for 

There will be some 'particularities' as always. In Australia there is at least 
one instance of name:aus where the local indigenous language (non english, but 
latin script) has been used. Here the official language is English so the name= 
should be used for rendering .. possibly with the name:aus rendered in 
brackets, except where they are equal .. then it might be rendered with the 
name= tag and the name:en rendered in brackets ... {Included for complexity 
that may not have been considered}.

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