The thing I am tagging is not a dam. It is a series of flood basins, one of 
which is a "reservoir". They are made by levees that surround the rivers, but 
in a very complicated way. They eventually return all the water back to the 
river, shortly after it is captured. 

I explain that below, if you are interested, 

But the TL;DR is that it is a weird combination of levees, weirs, spillways, 
gates (which are possibly considered a dam), channels, valves, and other things 
that are not properly fleshed out in OSM, and they should have tags 
created/expanded for them. 


On Mar 24, 2017, at 7:34 AM, Richard <> wrote:

>> earthen embankment (levee) around the entire river system - it is part of 
>> that. 
> this is still a dam for me?

This thing I am tagging is really weird. 

Japan is full of massive gravity dams that catch storm water and snow melt to 
from giant lakes. Canyons has flow blocking "dams" with weirs in the center to 
stop flash floods. 

This thing is like something I have never seen. It is like 10x 6 km of man made 
structures nested together. 

It is a "retardation basin" for a smaller river feeding into a larger river. 

The system is not for water storage, it is temporary surge overflow for the 

Here is the river where it meets the flood plain, after the typhoon surge in 
the middle of the night. Note, this is completely contained in levees from this 
point where it leaves this mountain to where it empties into the pacific ~ 
160km later, as it crosses above Tokyo.

The brown river on the left is about 5x normal flow at this point, down 3m in 
height from the surge the night before, which would exceed 10x. 

It is heading down to this thing I am tagging, off in the haze. The ghostly 
river in the upper right will take the water from it afterward.

This "retardation system" forces that surge  water into a series of basins 
connected by channels that automatically empty themselves. Due to the basin's 
entrance being much larger than it's exit, a typhoon surge on this smaller 
river is caught and dissipated, while normally (350 days a year?) the river is 
5-7m lower than the entrance to the system, and is unused. 

The system is made of levees, with small control gates at the bottom. These 
small gates would be the "dam" - the levees wrap around this thing, like a golf 
ball inside a snake. 

Above this retardation system, the levees narrow the river basin from 200m wide 
to less than 50m. On either side, the narrowing section has 10m embankments 
with 500m long weirs that empty into both a small and a very large open basin 
that used to be swamps. 

The large open basin has an additional levee system around a series of 3 
successively larger "reservoirs" inside it. This inter basin is tagged as a 
reservoir, and has a little rarer year round, fed by a couple tiny streams year 
round through small culverts (with control valves big and small) in the levee 

 Gated channels direct water from the large outer basin to the inner basins 
that look like a heart. There is an 1km additional spillway in the inter basin 
to let water rapidly in or out  the inner basin as well. Below this spillway is 
a road in the outer basin, dry and drivable most of the year. 

Having the outer basin catch a surge from a typhoon on this tributary gives the 
system downstream a chance to deal with the surge from the main river first. 

The bottom of the inner basin has flow control gates to empty it back into the 
outer basin. This very tiny (50m?) section would be the dam. 

The water then flows into the end of the outer basin, through another set of 
control gates, back into the river all the water came from to begin with. There 
is another 1km long spillway that connects the outer basin to the river. This 
is the one I marked with an area.  

Being able to tag levees, control flow valves for drains and streams that empty 
into the inner basin, the gates for the "dam" the spillways and weirs by area, 
are all currently deficient in OSM. 

Wrapping the inner and outer basins completely in a circular shaped dam inside 
another circular dam is avoiding properly fleshing out the tagging of large, 
detailed, and complex man-made water control systems. 

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