
> On May 15, 2017, at 10:28 PM, Tobias Wrede <l...@tobias-wrede.de> wrote:
> What you write makes a lot of sense. Just, that a lot of that exactly applies 
> to post offices/postal services as well. So why should post_office be an 
> amenity and courier a shop? I still suggest to somehow unify post_office and 
> courier,

Because the infrastructure is similar to _many businesses_, but the "customer 
facing side" of the business - the "post office" - is considered culturally 

A dentist is a tooth doctor. 
A McDonalds is a restaurant 
A convenience store is a market. 

But we tag them differently based on cultural separation of different things. 
This is difficult sometimes (when is a stream a river?) - but we have to be 
flexible to allow for this. Maybe it _is_ tagged all the same and it is 
presented differently by the data customer rendering it differently in their 
maps, but OSM usually represents these differences in the tag data - the lowest 
level - because OSM's issue is getting people to map the "the ground truth", 
which requires it to cater to people like me: a noob who is not a data consumer 
who wants to map. This requires a tagging system (or very good abstracted 
WYSIWYG editors) for the taggers. This means tagging systems should be 
noob-compliant as much as possible. Representing cultural differences in the 
lowest level of tagging is a good place to start. 


I would say a good place to connect courier and the postal services is not at 
the office level, but at the service level. 

My parents ship packages via a box shop because they don't want to mess up the 
customs forms, so they have someone else do it. This box shop ships via many 
services, including the USPS. 

I would say including them in the service when it goes beyond [amenity=mailbox] 
(however you tag a public mail drop box), such as a place that sells parcel 
postage and ships it for you:

Name=overpriced box shop

The post offices - the culturally separate building - is kept separate, and the 
service is tied into the courier system where it is useful. 

Tagging the back-end of the post system with the same tags (warehouse=courier) 
is probably fine too, but I wouldn't touch "post office" with a 10 foot pole. 

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