On 21-05-17 14:27, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2017-05-19 15:21 GMT+02:00 Tijmen Stam <mailingli...@iivq.net

    I think we should NOT tag these kinds of one-off routes, with no
    visible trace on the ground.

I am not sure about this Australian one, but sometimes there will
actually be "traces on the ground", also after the event. E.g. the Grand
Prix Circuit of Monaco (currently in OSM AFAIK there is only mapped a
replica of it: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/153805357 )

So while I agree we shouldn't map all kind of racing and ralley routes
(this comprises also also marathons, bicycle races, etc.) on ordinary
roads, we might consider adding some (those that actually are at least
partly observable for the rest of the year, i.e. theyleave "traces").

That's a completely different thing. The monaco cirquit, while originally being build as just city streets and still being used as such, is actually very recognizable as having dual use. e.g. <https://www.google.nl/maps/@43.7375373,7.4272024,3a,75y,270.2h,65.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s90afFkiy5oU7LdX4eJgj0Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656> the red/white striped "racing curb"

The Solar challenge is a challenge that takes place on public roads which are not modified for the race. Similar to things like the Tour de France. Even though for the Tour, municipalities sometimes take the effort of renovating (re-asphalting) a road, and painted names can be seen on the asphalt years later, it is not a marked "cirquit".

Exceptions would be if there were permanent "touristic" markers along the way such as "World Solar Challenge Route →". e.g. the climb of the Alpe d'Huez, with it's numbered curves <https://www.google.nl/maps/@45.0765786,6.0473025,3a,19.7y,307.66h,88.58t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sgdWTA9aaMCQdvdAud4Cdag!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo2.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DgdWTA9aaMCQdvdAud4Cdag%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D289.0417%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656> (with signs at each curve), is something that I could see being mapped as a cycle route in OSM.


P.S. Max/abonneme...@revolwear.com - will you reply to the thread in-list and not to me privately? Any mail that goes into my mailinglists-emailaddress off-list tends to go unnoticed.

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