On Tue, 9 Jan 2018 18:21:58 +0100
Daniel Koć <dan...@xn--ko-wla.pl> wrote:

> Currently we show only amenity=drinking_water, but there are also:
> - man_made=water_tap
> - amenity=water_point
> - man_made=water_well (including optional tag pump=powered/manual)
> How they all relate to each other?

My interpretation is that:


mark place used to get water, synonymous for most purposes 
- but amenity=water_point may be used  also to supply large volume of

These tags do not indicate what kind of infrastructure is used
  to make water available.

And that there are separate


These tags do not indicate that water is available but precisely
describe what kind of structure exists at a given place.

That are likely to be taggable on the same object as previously
mentioned amenities, but some man_made=water_tap/water_well are not
providing drinkable water (so would not be tagged with

Similarly amenity=drinking_water may also appear on objects
that are neither taps nor wells - like fountains or drinkable
mountainous stream in place where it is easy for tourists to get water
or many other object (I am unable to find image now but I encountered
mountainous stream with wooden construction that made refilling
bottles easy, with information board that water is drinkable).

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