It might be best to adapt the same language used in the access tag:


Water-based transportation

*         access=* (category: any water-based transportation mode)

*          <> boat=* (covers small 
boats and pleasure crafts, including yachts)

*          <> motorboat=* 
(boats and yachts using motor, on  <>  
also for sailing boats using the motor)

 sailboat=* (boats and yachts using sails, on  
<>  doing way with sail, not using the 
motor (according to the definition of the Colreg))

*          <> canoe=* (boats 
without sail or motor, such as small dinghies, canoes, kayaks, etc.)


So “canoe” is the generic term used for any such small boats, including kayaks.


route=canoe seems fine in that case. maybe route=boat if it’s also suitable for 
motorboat or sailboat.



From: Clifford Snow <> 
Sent: Sunday, 1 July 2018 08:29
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Canoe route


I'd like to suggest not creating a very specific tag like route=canoe, instead 
use something more general that would apply to more water crafts like kayaks, 
small boats, canoes, and rafts. route=marine_trail would be more fitting. 
Related tag could include motorized=(yes/no). 


Kayaking around my area is bigger than canoes with a number of trails in the 





On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 2:40 PM Paul Allen < 
<> > wrote:

On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 10:15 PM, Yves < 
<> > wrote:


There is a way to avoid tagging the way with the route tag:



I consent your canoe practice on a lake is perhaps far from 'whitewater' 
practice, but grade 0 describes a lake perfectly. And if the route follows a 
river with grade 1, then map it as such.


Unless I misunderstand the wiki page, whitewater:section_grade is only 
documented as applying to waterway=river.

There is nothing there implying it is valid to use it with anything other than 

Whereas route=* applies to any route which isn't rigidly defined: boat travel, 
aeroplanes, driving across a desert.

Anywhere you need to join points A and B with a way that is not rigidly defined 
but merely a suggestion.

Yes, you could modify the documentation so whitewater:section_grade also 
applies to lakes, oceans and seas but

then you'd need to emphasise that grades higher than 0 must not be used on 
anything other than rivers.  And it

still doesn't apply to aircraft or driving across a desert or pistes.

You're trying to bash a square peg into a round hole here, and doing so when 
somebody has already handed you a

round peg of the correct size.



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