1. Multipurpose tower still seems a little ambiguous to me. Observation
tower is closer for most of them, because they are big enough to have
elevators and public observation decks, right?

Since there are already tags for tower:type=observation and
tower:type=communications, perhaps there is no need for

2. In rendering style sheets it is possible to set the zoom level, the size
of the icon and the presence of the name label based on height. For example:
height>100 renders at z13,
height>50 at z14,
height>30 at z15,
And if there is no height, at z17.

So entering a numeric height value in meters provides the most data for
database users, and the most flexibility for map renderers.

It can be challenging to measure the height of a 100m tall tower, but an
individual can use a meter stick, a gps and trigonometry to check the
height in person. Often the height is on a sign for big towers. Armchair
mappers may be out of luck, unless the sun casts long shadows on the aerial
imagery, but there are many things that cannot be mapped from one’s

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 8:05 AM Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 at 08:19, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> FYI, currently the height and tower:type of man_made=tower is used to set
>> the zoom level where it appears on the Openstreetmap-carto style sheet
>> (“standard” style).
> Thanks Joseph - I obviously misread it (or don't remember the exact
> wording!), but same thing applies - would splitting heights into 3 bands
> work?
> But man_made=communications_tower is assumed to be big and tall, so it
>> renders like a >100m tall tower with no type, or tower:type=communication
>> or observation, visible at zoom level 13.
> & I'd be happy for my suggested multipurpose tower to render the same way
> as they *are* massive structures that are visible for a long way - it's
> just that the tag is grossly misused as people obviously think that every
> phone tower is a =communications_tower, when it was never intended to be.
> Thanks
> Graeme
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