
Hint: you may get more qualified feedback if you use the talk-transit@ mailing list. This tagging@ list is a generalist mailing list intended to gather people with a passion to write mails.

One thing we could investigate is some sort of indication whether a bus
or train route tagged in OSM is frequent, infrequent, or rarely used -
but we'd have to find a classifier for this that is vague enough to not
change twice a year, and precise enough to still be useful (and e.g.
draw "infrequent" lines with a dashed color on a public transport map or

A thing that would work in at least the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, parts of the US (and probably numerous other countries I never have visitied): Mark route reations with

    for the operation times

    for at least 6 services per hour on workdays from typical local
    breakfast time to one hour after typical local dinner time,
    3 services per hour on saturdays, sundays, and bank holidays

    if the service is subject to clock face scheduling

    if there is at least about one service per hour all over the day
    (again berakfast to after dinner)

    if the service has limited operation times (school buses, peak hour
    services, stadium extra service, night buses, and so on)

    as it exists. It is unfortunately ambiguous whether peak interval or
    longest interval is indicated, but people may like to continue
    information here

Using pairs of
with this or other suffixes can be given as advice for people who want to refine the information further.

Note that this information is usually stable for decades: It derives from the number of rolling stock divided per travel time. Lifetime of rolling stock is typically between 15 years (buses with internal combustion engines) and 25 to 50 years (trainsets), and 1:1 replacements are also quite common.

The rationale for breakfast to one hour after dinner is that both business and touristical activity take place within that time window. People outside that time window will know how and where to get better adapted and more precise information.


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