I think I'm going to borrow your text and make it the last version of
the proposal, then put it to a vote.  Today marks two weeks, so we can
call a vote if everybody's ready.  I go back on the road Tuesday
afternoon for a few days so will be off the grid, good time to get started.

On 11/4/2018 5:09 PM, egil wrote:
> On 2018-11-01 20:12, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 11:14 AM Allan Mustard <al...@mustard.net
>> <mailto:al...@mustard.net>> wrote:
>>     * shift to office=diplomatic and use the existing diplomatic=*
>>     additional (secondary) tag to specify whether embassy, consulate,
>>     or other, then use embassy, consulate and other as additional
>>     (tertiary) tags to specify further the type of diplomatic or
>>     non-diplomatic mission as needed.
>> This is my preferred option for the following reasons:
>> 1. It reuses the existing office=* primary key, which is already in
>> use (for example, by the main OSM tile layer), as opposed to
>> introducing diplomatic=* as a primary key. Furthermore, I am in favor
>> of not having too many top-level primary keys unless they make a lot
>> of sense (like healthcare=* which is a really broad category, so it
>> makes sense to break this off as a primary key).
>> 2. It does not clutter the overused amenity=* key and allows
>> renderers and users to treat diplomatic and quasi-diplomatic objects
>> in the same way and in a simpler way as opposed to tagging
>> amenity=[embassy, consulate, <some yet unspecified value>].
>> 3. The three values for the secondary tag diplomatic=[embassy,
>> consulate, other] plus adding further details to [embassy, consulate,
>> other]=* makes it easy for mappers to add the level of detail they
>> are comfortable with. If a mapper is unsure what the object is, they
>> can just tag it as office=diplomatic. Then other slightly more
>> knowledgeable mappers can specify diplomatic=*, which seems enough
>> for most casual map users. Then other really knowledgeable mappers
>> can further add [embassy, consulate, other]=* for even more detail
>> and more specialized mapping applications.
> +1В 
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