The seamark definition in the supplied link is very general. I cannot see
how anyone could misinterpret this use of either waterway=fairway or
seamark:type=fairway unless they are specialists, in which case I'm sure a
response will be forthcoming. Regardless, I agree that the conflict note
should be removed.

I would love to see the tag waterway=fairway accepted but I also hope we
can somehow make it applicable to canoe routes as well. A canoe route is
not as well defined as a shipping channel, for example, but it does have a
preferred path and well-defined put-in and take-out points. It does not,
however, typically have marker buoys or lights. If we removed that
requirement or made it optional, that would save a lot of energy in trying
to get a modification approved later. So, instead of saying: " A navigable
route in a lake or sea marked by buoys", it might say, "A navigable route
in a lake or sea usually marked by buoys. In the case of a fairway
describing a canoe route, there would typically be no buoys."

Opinions? I think the fairway tag fits so well it might be appropriated for
use on such routes anyway.


On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 7:00 PM Fernando Trebien <>

> Sorry to bring this back so much time later. I just want to confirm a
> detail.
> On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 8:34 AM Multi Modaal <> wrote:
> > > I could go along with the extension of the definition of
> waterway=canal to
> > > cover also navigation channels in larger bodies of water, if this
> solution
> > > is accepted as a result of  voting process on a formal proposal.
> Personally
> > > I prefer a new tag for nautical or navigation channels.
> > I agree that a new tag (waterway=lake seems fine to me) would be better,
> but until that is formally proposed and widely accepted by data users I see
> no advantage in banning current practice which is also in concordance with
> the wiki for instance waterway=fairway  (fairway on a lake is added as an
> addition to waterway=canal/river )
> Since 27 March 2018, the wiki [1] says that waterway=fairway is
> "questioned and conflicts with seamark:type=fairway", but I think this
> is not correct. The wiki also states that waterway=fairway should be
> used on ways and that seamark:type=fairway should be used on closed
> ways, so I believe that a complete description includes both a
> navigable area and a line through it (which is typically a requirement
> for routing).
> If you agree, I think the conflict note should be removed from the wiki.
> Regards,
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Fernando Trebien
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Homer, Alaska
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